domingo, 17 de enero de 2016


¡Hola chicos! Empezamos nuevo tema: las fracciones. Este curso las trabajaremos en equipo con... ¡LEGO! ¿Preparados? 
LEGO blocks are commonly used to build colorful structures, but they can also effectively help kids with their math skills. According to school teacher Alycia Zimmerman, these plastic blocks allow students to develop their spatial and proportional awareness in a creative manner. Since LEGOs are marked with studs that are typically grouped in twos, children can easily count the studs and later learn to recognize the arrangements without counting them all. This not only makes math concepts und...:
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Julio Rodríguez Borjes

Canal VillaEduca

¡Muchas gracias a los autores de estos vídeos! Son de gran utilidad.

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